Who Are the Common Victims of Drug Addiction in Philippines?

Question by raigor: who are the common victims of drug addiction in philippines?

Best answer:

Answer by kimberly_doc
those who are in pover5ty.. there the ones in high risk of drug addiction.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Hilarious Filipino Drug Addict Statement – This man was so high that what he was saying doesn’t make any sense Visit www.palpakblog.com to see more of the best Pinoy pictures and video bloopers from the web


Weight loss takes combined effort

Filed under: drug addiction in the philippines

But one expert believes that the reason is much deeper—it's almost an addiction much like alcoholism and drug abuse. “Foods full of fat, sugar and salt release 'feel good' chemicals in the brain's reward center and over time we associate the change in …
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Taming the 'wolf'

Filed under: drug addiction in the philippines

Alongside with the town's ongoing four-year PEACE-PACT Project, an all-out war against criminality and drug addiction, Sotomil designed Project BISNID or "Be in Sports, not in Drugs." … Sotomil enlisted with the Philippine National Police in 1996. A …
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Mike Tyson wants stage career

Filed under: drug addiction in the philippines

Mike famously bit off part of Evander Holyfield's ear during one bout, has children with several women, was jailed for rape and has battled drug addiction. He is currently in Hong Kong where he will talk to a forum of financial professionals about the …
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