Where and What Is the Best Drug Rehab Center?
Question by blueshroom: Where and what is the best Drug Rehab center?
Looking for a drug rehab center for 19 y/o who is abusing opiates.
We are in South Jersey. We’ve tried, individual psychotherapy, Intensive outpt.
I’m not sure if they want treatment because they want to get well or because they have no choice…..
Best answer:
Answer by justabigfan
In any particular state? Private treatment? Long-term?
You can do an internet search for drug rehabilitation, and it will give you a choice for your state. When you get down to a few options, then maybe others can help you pick the best of the bunch. You should know going in though, that if the 19 y/o doesn’t want to be in treatment, it most likely isn’t going to take, so try not to go the expensive, private route for the first treatment center. Drug rehabs are sadly not for people who need them. They are for people who want them. Same goes for NA Meetings.
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