What Should Really Be the Conversation About Gun Control?
Question by My Baby!: What should really be the conversation about gun control?
Usually the majority of crimes are in Urban areas where more than 250,000 live on top of one another. Here are some statistics that should make you think.To check the authenticity of these figures just copy and paste one into your browser at a time
64% of murder victims in New Orleans had past felony arrests
91% of Baltimore’s murder victims had criminal records
75% of murder victims in Philadelphia had criminal records
77% of murder victims in Milwaukee had an average of 12 arrests
85% of murder victims in Newark had criminal records
91% of murder victims in Arizona had criminal records
74% of murder victims in San Fransisco had criminal records
75% of murder victims in Indianapolis had criminal records
71% of murder victims in Charlotte had criminal records
60% of murder victims in Atlanta had criminal records
81% of all homicide defendants have at least one arrest on their record.
66% have two or more arrests. 66% have two or more arrests.
67% have at least one felony arrest.
56% have two or more felony arrests.
70% have at least one conviction.
54% have at least one felony conviction.
We have people who go through the revolving door of our prison system. The guy that shot the Firefighters had killed his mother brutally and was allowed back into the public.
Fred- I could pull up statistics all day which would show how guns do not kill. People kill. Instead of cigs etc. look at how many abortions we had in 2011. 334,000, just think of the pile of dead fetuses that would be.
My point is not to ban guns from law abiding citizens. Why doesn’t our judicial system do their freakin job and keep these Nuts off our streets. Then we would have NO conversation about gun control. It is this administration that never let’s a crisis go to waste. This is another intimidation tactic to take away our rights.
Best answer:
Answer by bobemac
That’s liberals for ya..
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