What Are the Signs of Drug Abuse in a Teen?
Question by Kelly: What are the signs of drug abuse in a teen?
Does anyone know of a website i can go too?
Best answer:
Answer by Mary O
usually you can tell just look in their eyes and listen to the way they talk , also they get argumentative when using different types of drugs
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Drugs & Addiction : Signs of Drug Addictions – The signs of drug addiction revolve around two key components, which are tolerance and withdrawal, but more things to observe are the time spent purchasing the drug, consuming the drug or withdrawing from the drug. Identify the signs of drug addiction with information from a licensed mental health counselor in this free video on drug abuse.
Filed under: signs of drug abuse
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed legislation that will help the state crack down harder on prescription drug abuse. The new law includes a series of provisions to overhaul the way prescription drugs are distributed and tracked in New York State, …
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From Twitter:
Pay attention to the warning signs of an abusive partner: mood swings, temper, erratic behavior, drug or alcohol abuse. – by StopAthleteVAW (StopAthleteVAW)
From Twitter:
Beware of someone who fidgets, sniffs, snorts, continually shifts eyes; these are signs of drug abuse or unwanted behaviors. – by DatingSafely (ExcellentDatingTips)
From Twitter:
Paradigm Malibu: Warning Signs of Teen Drug & Alcohol Abuse http://t.co/unDaWkau #ifollowback #autofollowback #teamfollowback #follow4follow – by ParadigmMalibu (Paradigm Malibu)