*Urgent! What Insurance Plans Cover “Passages Malibu” Drug Treatment Center?

Question by Shaina: *urgent! what insurance plans cover “passages malibu” drug treatment center?
If you have been there or just know the list of what plans are accepted, please please let me know…. this means Life or Death. thank you soooo much!!!

Best answer:

Answer by sunshine girl
I would be surprised if that particular place is covered. In my experience those kinds of treatment centers that claim to “cure” addiction are nothing more than a relaxing vacation for the addicts. If you or someone you know is looking for a real rehab center focus on one with strong support networks for the patient and a good program based on the 12 steps. Addiction is not something you cure in a couple months, it’s a life long disease that can resurface at any point.

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The problem was probation and rehab weren't enough to motivate her to stop doing drugs. She had numerous dirty drops from … Lauren, who has a daughter, is currently attending Mineral Area College full time to get an associate's degree and is working …
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Chris, now 17, is in treatment at Outreach House, a long-term substance abuse program on Long Island, New York, for youths ages 12 to 17. … There are no cell phones, personal televisions or computers allowed, except for doing homework. … Several …
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