Alcoholism Rehab Leader Forays Into $23B Opium Addiction Treatment Market
Alcoholism rehab leader forays into B opium addiction treatment market
Los Angeles, CA, United States (4E) – A novel addiction treatment technology for alcoholics may also treat opioid or heroin dependence, which affects five million people in the U.S. and results to some 17,000 deaths yearly. Kent Emry, CEO of… Continue reading
Groundbreaking Film “BBoy for Life” Has Historic Screening at the United …
Groundbreaking Film “BBoy for Life” Has Historic Screening At The United …
“Our goal with this discussion panel was to look for and propose alternatives that could help reduce or eventually eliminate this regional problem. For example, offering the youth artistic activities like music, dance, theater, etc. that would …… Continue reading
Are There Any FREE Alcohol Treatment Centers in Phoenix, Arizona?
Question by Jenn: Are there any FREE alcohol treatment centers in Phoenix, Arizona?
My 41 year old brother has been drinking for 20+ years. He is really at a point where there are no options for him with the family. We can’t keep taking him in. He does… Continue reading
Drug/alcohol Addiction Treated Like an Illness but Food Addiction People Are Just Called Fat, Why Is That?
Question by Megan H: Drug/alcohol addiction treated like an illness but food addiction people are just called fat, why is that?
I know people who go to N.A. and A.A. and it is free, 2 of them even receive SSI payments as they are too “addicted” to work.… Continue reading
Knights of the South Bronx – 2005 TV Film | Inspiring Chess Movie for Kids
Knights of the South Bronx – 2005 TV film | Inspiring Chess Movie for Kids — Knights of the South Bronx is a 2005 TV film about a teacher who helps students at a tough inner-city school to succeed by teaching them to play chess. A bus…
Puerto Rican salsa… Continue reading
Can Someone W/ History of Drug Abuse Still Get Prescription Drugs (NY)?
Question by kay: can someone w/ history of drug abuse still get prescription drugs (NY)?
In the state of New York, can someone with a medical history of hard drug abuse (cocaine, mdma, opiates, etc) receive prescriptions for medication treating their ADD ? what about pain medication? will the doctor… Continue reading