drug treatment center

Budget Cuts Threaten Hundreds of Jobs

Budget Cuts Threaten Hundreds of Jobs — Pledging to ease the strain on the state budget without raising taxes, North Carolina Republicans are taking a scalpel to the Department of Corrections. They…

Billionaires with big ideas are privatizing American science
They have mounted a private war on disease, with new… Continue reading

Is There Such Thing as a “Weekend Pass” for a Drug Treatment Center?

Question by bradpast: Is there such thing as a “Weekend Pass” for a Drug Treatment Center?
My friend called me after spending a week and a half in a drug treatment center and he tells me that he is out for the weekend. He says… Continue reading

My Dad Has Kidney Stones?

drug treatment center mississippi
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Question by Alyssa: my dad has kidney stones?
my dad has kidney stones. i dont really know what to ask. im really worried. will be be ok? what is it? is it serious? how long would he be in the hospital? im worried.

Best answer:

Answer… Continue reading

VIDEO: Attorney Explains Zoning Variance for the Main Street Inn & Spa

VIDEO: Attorney explains zoning variance for The Main Street Inn & Spa — Hilton Head Town Councilman Bill Harkins addresses the need for the applicant to address the benefits a drug and alcohol rehab and mental health clinic in th…

City attorney: drug rehabilitation clinic within legal zoning rights
Thursday,… Continue reading

How to Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help?

Question by Yara Rivera: How to help someone who doesn’t want help?
For the past month now I found out that my boyfriends brother (Gary) has been doing drugs (and we don’t know how long he has been using because he refuses to tell us). I (age: 23)… Continue reading

Can You Give Me a List of Medicaid Accepted Treatment Centers in San Antonio, Texas?

Question by sal1609: Can you give me a list of medicaid accepted treatment centers in San Antonio, Texas?
I am in need of behavioral, mental and drug treatment inpatient.

Best answer:

Answer by Kelly_from_Texas,and_I_love_it!!
I live in New Braunfels in case you’re wondering. Howdy neighbor!!! Anyway, my suggestion… Continue reading