addiction treatment

Camden Heroin Overdose Seminar Addresses Naloxone Use, Addiction, Prevention

Camden heroin overdose seminar addresses naloxone use, addiction, prevention
CAMDEN — In a small room inside a Camden building stationed next to a church in an underdeveloped area on 7th street in Camden, a number of parents and relatives are gathered on Saturday for one of the first… Continue reading

MU Panel Focuses on Women

MU panel focuses on women
The Healing Place offers residential treatment for men, and Lily's Place is a soon-to-open nonprofit to offer temporary stays for drug-addicted babies and parenting support for mothers, but where women addicts are concerned, far more is needed, the …
Read more on Huntington Herald Dispatch

Las… Continue reading

Heroin Use at Historic Highs in Chicago Area

Heroin use at historic highs in Chicago area
Dr. Dan Lustig, head of clinical services at Chicago's Haymarket Center, an addiction treatment provider, emphasized the correlation between the lack of access to public treatment for heroin addiction, and the increased levels of crime and …
Read more on World Socialist… Continue reading

Help for Violent Teen With Drug Abuse Issues?

Question by Jamie M: Help for violent teen with drug abuse issues?
What kind of help is there for a teen who has major violence issues along with a drug problem? He has threatened my mom and dad (he lives with grandparents, both parents passed away) with… Continue reading

Mayor Coleman's 2014 State of the City Address

Mayor Coleman's 2014 State Of The City Address
Mayor Michael B. Coleman delivers his 15th State of the City Address tonight in the Battelle Grand Ballroom at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. The mayor's …. I am pleased to announce the new Columbus director of education, Rhonda Johnson. She …… Continue reading

Treating Alcoholism With Alcohol? Absurd Harm Reduction Strategy Has Worked

Treating alcoholism with alcohol? Absurd harm reduction strategy has worked
But comparable “managed alcohol” programs in Ontario have worked in the past. Earlier this month, Vancouver's Drug Users Resource Centre made headlines with a vending machine that distributed crack pipes for a quarter, no questions asked. That same …… Continue reading