IS Having a Drink Addiction the Same Thing as Having a Drug Addiction?
Question by angel: IS having a drink addiction the same thing as having a drug addiction?
I’m just curious because this guy that killed himself in his room had a drinking problem and was suffering alcholoism. His wife didn’t care about him, neither did the people at work.… Continue reading
Is It Possible/common for Teen Drug Addicts to Go to Detox and Skip Rehab?
Question by Hannah T: Is it possible/common for teen drug addicts to go to detox and skip rehab?
I am writing a story for English and my character is a 15 yr old drug addict (I am not assigning a specific drug for her to be addicted to;… Continue reading
Do You Get Ticked Off When the Media Portrays Michael Jackson as a Drug Junkie?
Question by summer 369: Do you get ticked off when the media portrays Michael Jackson as a drug junkie?
Since Michael’s death, when talk show hosts (I’m not naming any names) do shows on prescription drug addictions, they ALWAYS refer back to “Michael Jackson died of a drug overdose”,… Continue reading
What Are the Diseases Acquired Caused by Drug Addiction?
Question by genie m: what are the diseases acquired caused by drug addiction?
what are the types of drug addiction?What are sapmle situaitons tht a certain person was a drug addict? What agencies who can help to a certain person who involved drug addiction?what are civil laws, statistics,therapy and… Continue reading
Inpatient Alcohol Treatment – 30 Day Rehab Program – 12 Step Recovery Program
Inpatient Alcohol Treatment – 30 Day Rehab Program – 12 Step Recovery Program – After his doctor gave him less than six months to live, this male alcoholic was admitted to a inpatient alcohol treatment, 30 day rehab program at Brighton C…
County coordinates efforts to help mom… Continue reading
Internet Addiction
Internet Addiction – Final project for English with Sandoval.
Health Calendar
Filed under: free online pornography addiction help
For information or to enroll in online Childbirth Preparation class, contact OB Director Nancy Hengelfelt, RNC, at 402.362.0457. TUESDAY 10/ … Sexaholics Anonymous, a 12 Step recovery group for those… Continue reading