Some Questions About Drugs? (Im Not Using It)?

Question by ??????? ??g???: Some questions about drugs? (im not using it)?
for my homework i have to write answers to these questions-
please help me
1-what is the difference between a depressant,stimulant and hallucinogen?
2-what are 5 ways that drugs can be taken?
3-What are common names for amphetamines?
4-What are common names for LSD?
5-What is the legal position for Magic Mushrooms?
9-what is the telephone number for National Drugs Helpline?

Best answer:

Answer by LYNN in FL (suspended @#*%)
Try doing your own homework I think.
Google these questions.
1. downer, upper, psychedelic
2. oral, smoke, IV injection, inject skin pop, sniff/snort
3. speed

Answer by Anne H
Are you kidding ? they ask these types of questions in school; ummmm…doesn’t a quiz like this encourage people to “try substances ?

I think you should contact your principal this is stupid !

this is what encourages people to use drugs;
ps depressants are what took Michael Jackson…

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