Police, State Agencies Team Up With FBI to Deal With Prescription Drug Abuse


Police, state agencies team up with FBI to deal with prescription drug abuse – Metro police and other state agencies have teamed up with the FBI in hopes of tackling the problem of prescription drug abuse on the street level.


Court plays it safe on Aboriginality

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

Bugmy is an Aboriginal from Wilcannia, whose life has been determined by juvenile detention, prison, domestic violence, alcohol and drug abuse, illiteracy, self-harm and mental health problems. We know about the shocking incidence of Aboriginal …
Read more on The Age


'Smashed' author Koren Zailckas pens first novel

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

Rose, the oldest, has left home, Violet, the middle child, acts out through alcohol and drug abuse. William, the youngest, does his best to keep the family happy. “I've always liked the idea that stories should disturb the comfortable and comfort the …
Read more on Boston Herald


Business Forum: Spare our menus from bureaucratic overreach

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

The FDA is completing new regulations for adding calorie labeling on restaurant menus, mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Although we support providing consumers with increased access to nutritional information, the agency's …
Read more on Pittsburgh Post Gazette