Physician: Drug Abuse Common in ER Setting – the Morning Sun
Physician: Drug abuse common in ER setting – The Morning Sun
Physician: Drug abuse common in ER setting
The Morning Sun Many who abuse drugs do so with medications that are legal when prescribed by a physician, and those people typically take too much of the drug, steal it from others, sell prescription medications to get money for other drugs, and make frequent trips … |
Keep up drug abuse coverage, Bridgewater Scout urges Enterprise – Wicked Local Hanson
Keep up drug abuse coverage, Bridgewater Scout urges Enterprise
Wicked Local Hanson For a 12-year-old who has overcome years of a speech-inhibiting medical condition, Steven Anderson has no problem communicating his views on the illegal drug use. The fifth-grader at Williams Intermediate School in Bridgewater used his hard-won … |
New agreements available to prevent prescription drug abuse – 10News
New agreements available to prevent prescription drug abuse
10News The agreement was prompted by the surge of prescription drug abuse and "doctor shopping." In 2012, prescription drugs played a role in the deaths of 268 people in San Diego County—a 22-percent increase compared to 2008. A total of 1,221 people have … |
Red Ribbon event honors teens fighting drug, alcohol abuse
On Thursday, more than 100 middle school and high school students from across Kansas gathered in Topeka, where they were honored for being on the front lines in the fight against teenage drug and alcohol abuse at the Red Ribbon luncheon and training …
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