Meta House Introductory
Meta House Introductory – Meta House helps women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction reclaim their lives and rebuild their families. Its model program meets the unique needs of women and their children, ending the generational cycle of substance abuse. This video introduces our work along with some of our graduates and programs.
14 million meals to be served at London Olympics
Filed under: Milwaukee Drug Abuse
An ex-priest who received $ 20000 from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to leave the ministry after he was accused of sexual abuse says he viewed the payment as charity to help him readjust to a new way of life. An ex-priest who received $ 20000 from the …
Read more on KFMB News 8
Moving Beyond a Biomedical View of Co-Sleeping
Filed under: Milwaukee Drug Abuse
Culturally, Americans need to work towards changing cultural values that condone co-sleeping with other risk factors such as alcohol or drug abuse. Ultimately, undertaking the task to empower parents cannot be limited to either side of the co-sleeping …
Read more on Huffington Post (blog)