I Would Like to Know How I’m Going to Search for Drug Rehabs in Ashland, Wisconsin. Help?
Question by aubree f: I would like to know how I’m going to search for drug rehabs in Ashland, Wisconsin. Help?
A really close friend of mine is heroin addicted. Recently, she’s tried going cold turkey, but the withdrawal symptoms were too much for her to bear. Can anyone please help us find a drug rehab in Ashland, Wisconsin, or at least tell me how?
Best answer:
Answer by breeanna f
Go to the doctor and have her detoxed. Then ask for suggestions and recommendations on which drug rehab she could have herself admitted to. Looking through a telephone directory can also help you. I have also included links below that you can use. I hope that helps. Good luck on your search! I really hope your friend gets better.
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11×15 plan aims to lower WI prison population using state-funded rehab programs
Filed under: Wisconsin Drug Rehabs
Wisconsin incarcerates about 23000 people per year, roughly twice as many as neighboring Minnesota despite the two states' comparable populations. The plan aims to increase state funding for drug, alcohol and mental-health rehabilitation programs by …
Read more on Marquette Tribune
Time to legalize marijuana
Filed under: Wisconsin Drug Rehabs
All the same, it serves as a good parable for Wisconsin's archaic drug laws. While there are bigger fish to fry – education, poverty, unemployment – our society insists on spending precious resources on the easy target: the growing, sale and use of …
Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel