I Understand We in the States Are Conditioned to the Idea of Alcohol Abuse and Being Lactose Intolerance Etc. ?

Question by Mark H: I understand we in the states are conditioned to the idea of Alcohol Abuse and being Lactose Intolerance etc. ?
Does this exist in Italy? I can’t imagine children being lactose intolerant in, take for example, Ethiopia. I’m hoping for objectiveness when responding.
Bascially, I have a friend who now considers himself alcoholic. At a dinner party I had .. it seemed like this man would’ve enjoyed a glass of wine with us..
the other evening he mentioned it was METH that scared the hell out of him more than the alcohol.
I want to share a bottle of wine with him for heaven’s sake.. that’s all. .just wine.Objective replies are greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by auraraine
I think because our country is starting to become more health conscious you will find more people concerned with things like alchohol abuse and other seemingly “new” problems. These problems of course are not new, but there is a heightened awareness now.

If your friend does feel he has a problem with alcohol and does not want to drink you should not push the issue IMO. I am wondering why what he is drinking matters to you so much? A lot of people don’t like the way drugs make them feel (alcohol is a drug). I had a friend that was constantly on me to smoke a joint with him, even after I explained that I hated the way I felt after smoking. I always wondered why it was such an issue. I used to smoke cigarettes and never felt the need to have other people around me do the same. Also, if he does have a drinking problem it may be that you have not seen it, some alcoholics are binge drinkers and don’t drink daily. Give your friend the benefit of the doubt and let him do what he thinks is best. I’m sure you can enjoy his company just as much if he doesn’t drink.

Some stats on the subjects:

Statistically, Caucasians are the least likely to develop lactose intolerance, so it is actually much more common in places like Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

You have a higher risk of becoming an alcoholic the younger you begin drinking. So you would think that countries that have a lower drinking age will more than likely have more people abuse alcohol than others, on the other hand maybe if there is no age limit people learn to use alcohol responsibly? Italy has no restrictions on drinking in private, yet they have a very low alcoholism rate.

Europe seems to have the highest rate of alcoholism. In Russia, 1/3 of all deaths are alcohol related. Although France and Ireland have the highest rate of alcoholism in the world. While the Netherlands have one of the lowest, perhaps because marijuana is legal there? Comparing the US to 29 European countries, we are number ten.

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