I Need to Find Drug Rehabs in Long Island City, New York. How?
Question by brenna 3xf: I need to find drug rehabs in Long Island City, New York. How?
My daughter, having been sexually harassed by another member of the family, decided to keep quiet about this for years. Recently, when she can’t take it anymore, she turned to drugs. I have only just learned that this has happened, and I feel so mad that I haven’t been there for her all those times when she’s hurting. She really needs to get treated soon, preferably at a drug rehab where they will really be able to take care of her. How do I find one?
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Answer by Lucky
Answer by dirtyxaustin
yahoo it.
Island City stage scores a hit with 'Have I Got a Girl for You'
The play's focal character, not coincidentally named Josh (Westrich), is a musical theater actor fresh out of rehab. Trying to stay away from the restaurant scene, with its easy access to the booze and drugs that got him into trouble in the first place …
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He has, at that point, $ 500,000 buried in a hillside in New Mexico; he's got a couple of coolers of money on Long Island. He has a safe deposit box with …. At his peak in the mid-1980s, which was also the peak of the drug war, an impossibly late date …
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