How Much Can a Mother Keep a Child From His/her Father Despite a Joint Custody Order in Wisconsin?

Question by : How much can a mother keep a child from his/her father despite a joint custody order in Wisconsin?
How much can a mother keep a child from his/her father despite a joint custody order in Wisconsin. The father is a good man that has values and is a good father. There’s no legitmate reason for the mothers actions. It appears to only be out of spite. She has a proven history of drug abuse and neglect. The mother collects disability. The father (non drink/non smoker) has always worked to make a good living. What gives?

Best answer:

Answer by Steven Ewing
Perhaps only as long as he goes without challenging her in a legal process. Take an action and request the Court to remedy the situation immediately and set forth her responsibility to pay for the fees, including your attorney. If you have no funds, go to your local legal aid society and ask for their help as a father with Court ordered visitation. Wisconsin has some law requiring the custodial parent to have a Court produced placement order when the parents have Court ordered legal joint custody. Go to Court and demand your rights….and enforce the rights of your child to know its father.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Catholic Charities of Madison, WI – Alcohol and Drug Treatment – Kelly’s story about how he is overcoming alcoholism with the help of Catholic Charities’ alcohol and drug treatment program at North Bay Lodge.


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Prescription #drug #abuse in Wisconsin – Feb 14 @ 4:01 AM ET – by PulpNews (PulpNews Crime)


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Prescription drug abuse in Wisconsin: Even though it is still not clear if prescription drugs led to singer Whitney… – by MadisonWIBuzz (Madison WI Buzz)