How Can I Stop My Family From Abusing Me?
Question by Terese: How can I stop my family from abusing me?
I’m over 50 years old. My brothers are younger than me. My sister is a year older than me. They’re interfering with my life. They’re trying to tell me I shouldn’t see my male friend because he has a “past.” Yes, he HAD a problem with prescription drug addiction. It was over two years ago. He’s been in a program, has been in counseling with me, we’re working things out, we’re practicing Catholics, and his problems stem from a very personal issue in his past having to do with a member of the clergy and abuse. None of my family members know this and it’s NONE of their business. My brothers insist that they don’t want him around the family and that he’s not welcome at any family functions. The ironic thing is that ALL THREE of my siblings have used illegal drugs in their past. I’m the only one who has never touched an illegal substance. What a bunch of hipocrites! My siblings all claim to be CHRISTIANS. Where’s the forgiveness? At what point do you move on–if ever? My boyfriend is devastated by their behavior and extremely angry. I’ve been forced to choose between my family and him, and I’ve chosen him. My mother is the only neutral one, and she’s torn because she feels threatened by my brothers and bullied by my sister, who is her caregiver. What am I to do? I’ve never felt so low, helpless, and hopeless in my life.
Best answer:
Answer by kalysta
You’re over 50 years old! Stick up for yourself! Tell them you aren’t going to take their shit anymore! Don’t tell them anything about your business or your life. Tell them to butt out of your life and to go live their own. All else fails call the police and tell them you feel threatened.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
More Protesters Arrested As Obama's Deportation Record Nears 2 Million
Filed under: drug addiction help for family members
After a month at the detention center, Santana was sent back to Honduras, which has the highest murder rate in the world, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Soon after he returned with his family, his wife and both of his …
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First World Population Planners: Culling that Third World Herd
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Just before a scheduled hearing this week in the U.S. Congress that could lead to policy change in U.S. international family planning programs, Rebecca Project executive director Imani Walker, succumbeing to pressure from Planned Parenthood, seized the …
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