Has Anyone Ever Been a Victim to Incest? What Have Been the Consequences to You Emotionally?

Question by JEN A: Has anyone ever been a victim to incest? What have been the consequences to you emotionally?
What are some long-term effects of someone who has been a victim of incest? Is drug addiction & low self-esteem common? What about if the incest is induced by drugs, ex. one family member supplying a person with drugs – which they know they like & have a problem with anyway, and then take advantage of them, therefore, sexual favors must be done with the outcome being that drugs are provided? What about cutting? Is that a common effect from abuse such as this? Suicide? Can anyone describe the feelings of guilt? Can a person be manipulated to keep the incest a secret? Has anyone ever been able to have a personal, intimate, relationship after suffering from incest????

Best answer:

Answer by gamelover06
I’m not a victim of incest persay, but when my brother and I were younger our dad a few times intentionally grabbed us in our private areas. I’m not 100% positive on how old my brother was when our dad did it to him, but I was 4-7. I told my mom about it and she actually talked to a few lawyers about it, they said that they couldn’t do anything because “no real inappropriate sexual act has taken place”. He finally stopped when I was 7 when I had had enough of it and punched him in his nuts.

To answer your question, I never did drugs for it, but I did have low self -esteem. I had feelings of guilt. It wasn’t until later in life that I really knew that it wasn’t my fault. As hard as it was I eventually had to forgive and move on with my life.

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