Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse Among Wounded Soldiers Uneven, Report Says

Fighting prescription drug abuse among wounded soldiers uneven, report says
Even after a dozen years of war, top Pentagon health officials have yet to impose uniform standards on fighting prescription medication abuse among troops wounded in combat, according to a Defense Department inspector general’s report issued Friday.
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Prescription drug abuse is foe we can beat
State government has made this a central issue, mandating physician utilization of drug databases, among many other good … of prescription drug abuse. First, we must educate Tennesseans about the dangers of narcotic abuse and the high risk …
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Federal drug policies do little to end abuse
The CDC says sales of prescription painkillers per capita has quadrupled … the past 40 years has not reaped its intended effect. There is more rampant drug abuse and death than when it began. A number of states are now enacting “Good …
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Drug Abuse In Scripture, Nephilim, and Widespread Corruption–Drugs Came From Fallen Angels — SEE MY IN DEPTH ARTICLE HERE: The nephilim created tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs, including the creation of alcoholic beverages. …

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