Drugs & Addiction : Effects of Drug Addiction in Adolescents


Drugs & Addiction : Effects of Drug Addiction in Adolescents – The effects of drug addiction on adolescents are mainly concentrated around their motivation, but drug addiction also highly influences their decision-making skills. Discover the destructive effect that drugs have on adolescents with information from a licensed mental health counselor in this free video on drug abuse.


The battle to tackle drug addiction is not lost

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

Legalisation would compound the devastating effects of drug use and the drugs trade, as former UN head of drugs and crime Antonio Maria Costa argues, especially if the structural issues that leave those states without the resources to tackle the causes …
Read more on New Statesman (blog)


Treating Addiction: A Top Doc Explains Why Kind Love Beats Tough Love

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

That's not a valid criticism of harm reduction; it's a failure of the medico-legal approach we have right now to addiction. People describe addicts as behaving compulsively in the face of negative consequences, but the same could be said of our drug …
Read more on TIME


Scotland Records Highest Death Toll among Drug Abusers

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

Answers to the questions are difficult but yes officials have found at least one truth related to the issue: the train spotting generation, who were introduced to heroin during the 1980s and 1990s have been seen under major effects of the drug abuse …
Read more on TopNews Arab Emirates


From Twitter:

Many of us are conscious of the dangers of drug abuse. It has been extensively recorded over centuries and up to… http://t.co/4BDkYb80 – by AnthonyHenifin4 (Anthony Henifin)


From Twitter:

Many of us are conscious of the dangers of drug abuse. It has been extensively recorded over centuries and up to… http://t.co/n14LTxgC – by LinwoodEsslinge (Linwood Esslinger)


From Twitter:

Drug Addiction – The Effects on Society http://t.co/zMLNcsVM – by BeatrizDRothman (Beatriz D. Rothman)