Drug/alcohol Addiction Treated Like an Illness but Food Addiction People Are Just Called Fat, Why Is That?
Question by Megan H: Drug/alcohol addiction treated like an illness but food addiction people are just called fat, why is that?
I know people who go to N.A. and A.A. and it is free, 2 of them even receive SSI payments as they are too “addicted” to work. I on the other hand, have a food addiction. I’m morbidly obese because of it, but Weight Watchers meetings charge me money to attend. Drug addicts have clinics they can go to for free medical care, I have to pay to go to gym. Mine addiction I’m told is one I can give up with will power, but they have a “disease”..I want to know why is it different? I am so tired of trying only to be shut down at every try and my health insurance would pay for me to go in rehab, but not for weight loss clinic or program. I feel like I should start being a druggie to get any help!
Let me give you a few details. I care for my 80 yr old mother and my 2 grandkids as their parents are off on drugs somewhere and I only get $ 335 from state to help pay for their care. I work 2 jobs just to pay bills and 1 of them is at fast food, the other is for insurance office. I cannot afford to buy better insurance and not eligible for state insurance because they say I make too much. By the end of working 14 hours a day M-F and 8 on Sat, plus all the housework, I am just too tired to work out. And there are plenty of free services for bulimia and anorxia, but not for food addition. I’m not making excuses I just want to know why the system is step up this way.
I eat for free at restaurant job and with the amount I earn I have to because the money has to go to pay for rent/utilities and childcare the state only allows me 40hours a week for the 2 kids. My grocery budget for 4 of us is $ 50 a week, so we eat as cheap as possible and yes that means alot of canned foods and such. People need to get off their high horses and walk a mile in someone elses shoes.
Best answer:
Answer by RdRedWine
GET A BETTER INSURANCE!!! Even mine offers free programs and discounts to fitness clubs and martial arts courses.
Weight Watchers is a FOR PROFIT company. You need to look into support groups.
Check the newspaper and go to health fairs. Some free courses are offered at your local hospital. At some health fairs you can get your diabetes tested, eyes and teeth checked, and blood pressure taken. Check our your YMCA and community building for free classes.
Answer by Shane
I think it’s because drugs and alcohol are actually physically addictive, while food is only mentally addictive at best. You can never be anything more than mentally dependent on food. And I know, I used to weigh 350+ lbs but I finally got my head out of my ass and lost 150 lbs. There is nothing magical about weight loss, you burn more calories than you take in and you lose weight. And if looking better, feeling better, and living longer aren’t good enough reasons for you to break this “addiction”, then nothing will be. Good luck!
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