Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training: Supervisor Training for Alcohol and Drug Abuse


Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training: Supervisor Training for Alcohol and Drug Abuse – workexcel.net – Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training for Supervisors complete with required 60 minutes of alcohol and 60 minutes of drug abuse awareness courses content. This training program was authored by experienced trainers, treatment experts, drug free workplace intervention pros, and licensed mental health/substance abuse counseling professionals. Available in PowerPoint, DVD, Online web training courses you control and upload to your own web site, you will save money, get every supervisor trained, and obtain a certificate of completion for the course for each staffer. Click on workexcel.net to see the full 158 image program. The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Training Courses contains audio/sound and is professionally narrated and produced from dynamic power point ppt slides. It contains 35 test questions with answer check, reproducible handouts for download, (your own alcohol and drug awareness course handouts, (Your policy or referral forms can be inserted into the online courses format). All formats come with the handouts. There are at least 8. You can see them at the link above. Phone 1-800-626-4327 if you have any questions about the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses! . “alcohol and drug supervisor training” “substance abuse training for supervisors” “drug and alcohol supervisory training” “alcohol and drug abuse supervisory training” “substance abuse education for supervisors” “online drug and alcohol abuse training”


Kids with ADHD more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol (Video)

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

New research has shown adolescents with ADHD, the hyperactive disorder, are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol that teens without ADHD reports Daily Mail on Feb. 12. The research found that kids taking drugs for ADHD such as Ritalin were more …
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Sh37 Million to Fight Drug Abuse in Nyanza

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

THE National Campaign Against Drug Abuse has re- leased more than Sh37 million to fight alcohol abuse in Nyanza province. The money is part of the Sh1 billion meant to fight abuse of alcohol and drugs in the country. CEO William Okedi said Sh24 million …
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