Drug Addiction – Patrick Bukassa


Drug Addiction – Patrick Bukassa – Played and Inspired by Patrick Bukassa (Copyright) – A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.[3] There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage.[4] In pharmacology, a drug is “a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being.”[4] Drugs may be prescribed for a limited duration, or on a regular basis for chronic disorders.[5] Recreational drugs are chemical substances that affect the central nervous system, such as opioids or hallucinogens.[5] They may be used for perceived beneficial effects on perception, consciousness, personality, and behavior.[5][6] Some drugs can cause addiction and habituation.[6] Drugs are usually distinguished from endogenous biochemicals by being introduced from outside the organism.[citation needed] For example, insulin is a hormone that is synthesized in the body; it is called a hormone when it is synthesized by the pancreas inside the body, but if it is introduced into the body from outside, it is called a drug.[citation needed] Many natural substances such as beers, wines, and some mushrooms, blur the line between food and drugs, as when ingested they affect the functioning of both mind and body. Drug is thought to originate from Old French “drogue”, possibly


Biological Aspects of Postpartum Depression

Filed under: drug addiction definition

Considering the fact that many women may start experiencing symptoms later in the postpartum period, the definition is often extended to include the entire first year of postpartum. As with other major … The emphasis has historically been on …
Read more on Medscape


The Roid Age

Filed under: drug addiction definition

We do not think of banning the web, for example, because it has ensnared countless people into forms of addiction, pornography, isolation and paranoia – as well, of course, as liberating discourse from its old shackles of legacy media. I take the … I …
Read more on Daily Beast


DSM-5 Is a Guide Not a Bible: Simply Ignore Its Ten Worst Changes

Filed under: drug addiction definition

Fortunately, some of its most egregiously risky and unsupportable proposals were eventually dropped under great external pressure (most notably 'psychosis risk,' mixed anxiety/depression, Internet and sex addiction, rape as a mental disorder …
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From Twitter:

Yup RT @Kova_1911: The true definition of success is pulling off a functional life while funding a drinking problem/drug addiction. – by BJ_Beasley (BJ)


From Twitter:

The true definition of success is pulling off a functional life while funding a drinking problem/drug addiction. – by Kova_1911 (smooth)


From Twitter:

“Perhaps the most helpful definition is a practical one: sexual behavior that has a negative effect onone’s life. ” http://t.co/mVPCyFmu – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )