Drug Abuse Facts


Drug Abuse Facts – askdrnerenberg.com Drug Abuse Facts tell us that drug and substance abuse is really getting on its tool and should be stop. The change must start on the user him/her self! Know these proven steps on how you can make yourself commit to stop using drugs and other substances. Visit askdrnerenberg.com and change your life now!


Tanzania home to 25000 heroin addicts

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

AsTanzania grapples with drug abuse, statistics now estimate that the country is home to an estimated 25,000 heroin addicts, the Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Hussein Mwinyi revealed yesterday. But, the figure could be higher than that if …
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Poulan Mayor arrested on drug charges

Filed under: drug abuse statistics

Prescription drug abuse is becoming a bigger problem with young people too. According to government statistics, more high school students are using prescription drugs. And that's leading to more teenMore >>. Prescription drug abuse is becoming a bigger …
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