Drinking Alcohol After Taking Valium…?
Question by om shanti: drinking alcohol after taking valium…?
I have recently developed a habit of taking 5-10mg of Diazepam (Valium), then drinking a few glasses of wine. I like the way it makes me feel and it lets me “escape” from everything I have been dealing with lately. But I am now having the desire to increase it. I’ve been told that mixing alcohol with other depressants (i’m also on Prozac) is dangerous, but I have always been fine. I’m wondering though, if that would change if I were to start drinking like a whole bottle of wine after taking 15/20mg of diazepam (as opposed to 10mg) Would it be dangerous/fatal or just give me a good night’s sleep? If it is really that dangerous, can anyone explain to me why?
Also, does it make a difference that I’m 5’8 and only weigh about 105lbs? I wonder if my tolerance isn’t as high as someone who is at a healthy weight…or maybe it doesn’t matter. I dunno.
In response to luvacat3: so is drinking just one bottle of wine considered alcohol abuse? Or is it the intention that’s behind it? It’s hard to believe that just that amount could cause damage b/c it doesn’t seem like a lot to me (esp compared to an OD) But don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate you taking the time to provide an answer and providing another perspective =)
Best answer:
Answer by gardensallday
You’re abusing alcohol. Keep on this track, and you will become an alcoholic, and that is a lifetime problem. Both alcohol and valium are depressants, and when you combine them, they are more powerful than either alone. The combo can sedate you so much that it suppresses breathing, meaning your brain part that controls breathing is so sedated, you just stop breathing and die.
You are self medicating, and abusing alcohol, you need to tell you doc this and ask for help.
a bottle of wine is over 5 servings of wine (6 oz glass = same alcohol as a 3.2 beer, or a shot of vodka or whisky). I think routinely drinking 5 servings of alcohol a day is heavy drinking, yes. Moderate drinking for a woman is 2 glasses of wine a day. And that’s not combining it with valium, either. You need to nip this in the bud, talk to a psychiatrist and a therapist to find a combination of strategies to help relieve your stress. Meditation is a GREAT and PROVEN method to reduce stress, even if it seems kinda new age. You feel kind of dorky at first, but it really helps! There is a free guided imagery download at healthjourneys.com (I have dialup & haven’t downloaded it & don’t know how good it is).
All the best to you!
Answer by nickipettis
the valium will make you more sensitive to the effects of alcohol – you will get drunk faster and with less alcohol. Among other things, you could pass out, throw up while passed out and choke to death on vomit. that might not kill you, but might damage your lungs so severely that you lost lots of lung function, like an 80 year old with emphysema.
Or cut off oxygen to the brain long enough for you to loose all brain function, but still be technically alive.
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