Call Addiction Hotline for Prescription Medication Addiction


Call Addiction Hotline For Prescription Medication Addiction – The Sheriff’s Department and the Oxy-Contin Task Force have participated in prescription drug “take-back” days in which the public could turn in unwanted med…'s Operation HERO partners with The Parthership at DrugFree

Filed under: drug abuse helpline

RepairLabs two mail-in device repair sites and expand their charitable donation program to include, a multi-media initiative to prevent and intervene in drug abuse in young people. Share on Twitter Share on …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Lords debate school bullying (education support and mental health provision)

Filed under: drug abuse helpline

It is about the children who are so severely bullied that it is having a catastrophic effect on their lives—to the extent that some children kill themselves—and about what we do as a society to respond to this problem. First, let …… Domestic …
Read more on DeHavilland (press release) (subscription)