Are These Symptoms of Drug Abuse?
Question by sXe: Are these symptoms of drug abuse?
Restricted pupils, glassy eyes, scratching, can’t sit still, and everything is done in a rammy hurried fashion. If so, what kind of drugs would cause these symptoms?
Best answer:
Answer by lollocoptor
When it comes to drug use, one of the most common symptoms is pupil dilation. However, the real thing to look for is a change from the normal, which could definitely include restricted pupils. All the other symptoms you gave are good indicators of drug use, and the scratching is a cardinal sign of methamphetamine.
I’d look out for signs of decreased appetite, increased aggression and excitation, hyperactivity, and blotchy, greasy skin. These are also signs of meth use.
Answer by peanut
Cocaine. Meth. Speed.
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