How Has Drug or Alcohol Abuse Affected You?

Question by smiley: How has drug or alcohol abuse affected you?
When did u or the person u are affected by start? How ? Why? have you or the person stopped? if so when? How has your life been affected by this?

Best answer:

Answer by Dakota
It started when I was younger. I don’t know how, and I don’t know why. It just did. They haven’t stopped, and probably never will. The closest it’s ever been to stopping was when I had to involve CPS, but not even then did it completely come to a halt.

How has it affected my life? It completely DESTROYED me. I have to go to counseling, I’m a former cutter, and it made me hate my father.

Answer by Kim L.
Alcohol ruined my life 5 years ago.I chose it over my family and friends because I liked the way it soothes my mood.Well,it really can,but only for a short time.I just don’t know why I couldn’t control myself to drink though my mind kept on saying no,but my actions won’t really coordinate.I destroyed things whenever alcohol drove me.I SLAPPED my 8 year old daughter just I realized after I woke up when my wife confronted me.She is really nice despite I being disrespectful..And I did it for the 2nd time and no wonder they left me for 3 weeks.After that I got depressed..I woke up with dry mouth,ate once in a day at food chain coz no one cooked for she left me,absent thrice a week,sat alone in the corner holding beer,everything was all dull and monotonous.Then I contemplated and confessed to my wife that I couldn’t bear no more..They came back and helped me got into a rehab.Well,it was really difficult.I struggled so much.AS if you’re like a kid being deprived with your favorite stuffs.I was at Alcohol Anonymous btw…
It took 1 year and 3 months for me to be cured.I cannot say I”m fully cured but I drink like 1 glass .My dependency to alcohol isn’t that strong compared before.So I’m staying away from it now I know it caused havoc in my life years ago.Now Im part of an organization here in MN that helps people who face the same issue.You can check our site here for more info about alcoholism

Drinking culture of the Uk — The Degrading nature of Alcohol.

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