Heckler: Heroin Problem Increasing

Heckler: Heroin problem increasing
Bucks County will join the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's National Take-Back Initiative on April 26 to give county residents an opportunity to safely dispose of prescription drugs, Heckler said. He said the court system has made efforts to …
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Revealed: Top Gun star Kelly McGillis tells all about depression, addiction
She had previously battled depression and drink and drugs addiction – something that made her determined to help others conquer their demons. She has worked with addicts in rehab centres and prisons and recalls one scary incident at a women's jail in …
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Babies born addictedproblem across Western Pa
The state doesn't mandate substance testing for newborns, track the number of babies born addicted or require hospitals to report women who are in drug rehabilitation when they deliver. Reporting is mandatory only when babies born to mothers not in …
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States Combat Overdose Deaths
Chris Christie, left, and singer Jon Bon Jovi at a drug rehab program in Paterson, N.J. Bon Jovi, whose daughter survived an apparent heroin overdose in 2012, helped convince Christie to sign a “Good Samaritan” law shielding overdose victims and their …
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