Joplin MO Treatment Center Call (855) 912-7867 Drug Rehab Center Joplin MO

Joplin MO Treatment Center Call (855) 912-7867 Drug Rehab Center Joplin MO — Addiction Treatment Center for Alcoholic beverages and Prescription Drugs Deciding on the treatment center that would cert…

Carthaginian receives community, state accolades
“Whereas, immediately following the May 2011 tornado that struck the town of Joplin, Missouri, Dr. Tia Strait took decisive action to turn the Health Science Facility on the MSSU campus into a make-shift hospital and triage area with 29 beds …
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Gov. Nixon delivers 2014 State of the State address
Thank you, Lieutenant Governor Kinder, Speaker Jones, President Pro Tem Dempsey, judges of the Missouri Supreme Court, state officials, members of the legislature, members of my cabinet, and my fellow Missourians. With us tonight are Missouri's …

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