Helping a Heroin Addict | Tony’s Story of His Son’s Heroin Addiction – My Treatment My Choice
Helping a heroin addict | Tony’s story of his son’s heroin addiction – My Treatment My Choice – Damien became heroin dependent aged 21, an addiction which ultimately ended with his death. Hear Damien’s father Tony tell his story and reflect on his feeli…
Adolescent checkups are a good time to talk to teens
Filed under: drug abuse help for parents
Screen time? Drug abuse? Depression? Many of the subjects that cause teens and their parents to blush, stammer or just leave the room are the topics a physician will cover in a typical adolescent checkup. “Often parents don't feel comfortable talking …
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Matthew Perry To Interview Friends Friend Lisa Kudrow As Guest Host On Piers …
Filed under: drug abuse help for parents
We also think it's AH-mazing how much Matthew has been opening up lately about his own struggles with drug addiction, in the wake of Cory Monteith's overdose-related death, and it looks like he'll make that personal story part of his show, too, tweeting:.