Wil Having a First Offense Owi Bar Me From Being Able to Get an RN License?
Question by paradisebabyyy88: wil having a first offense owi bar me from being able to get an RN license?
I have not been convicted of this OWI in Wisconsin yet; it is not a criminal offense in the State of Wisconsin, they view it as a driving ticket, but im not sure it may still show up on a background check.
If I have this on my record will I be able to get a Registered Nursing License?
Best answer:
Answer by monique
Each situation is a case by case basis. In my state, I have seen in the discipline notices from the Board of Nursing where they have placed RN’s on probation/censure for receiving DUI’s. One RN’s license was revoked because he had several. I have seen cases where it will depend on several factors (1) how long ago did it happen (2) is that the only offense (3) did you learn from that experience, are you sober, did you go through rehab, etc etc (4) will people vouch for you
The Board of Nursing in the state of WI falls under the WI Department of Safety and Professional Services. In looking at the Board of Nursing information, they do require reporting of the following on your application:
“List all felonies, misdemeanors, and other violations of federal, state or local law or municipal ordinance of which you have ever been convicted, in this state or any other, whether the conviction resulted from a plea of no contest or a guilty plea or verdict. For each, list the date and location of the conviction. Please include all convictions that involved alcohol or other drug use, including convictions for operating while intoxicated.” http://dsps.wi.gov/Documents/Credentialing%20Forms/Health%20Application%20Forms/fm2252.pdf
My thoughts are if you want to pursue nursing, to consider seeking some volunteer/community service opportunities, it may be beneficial as well to see a counselor. The reason you want to establish these things now is because the Board will want to see that you were proactive in wanting to change, to include counseling, etc And with community service, of course you will learn from those experiences, but it is also a good opportunity to network and establish relationships with people who may be willing to write you a letter of support/reference letter. Usually the Board of Nursing and other state type organizations want letters of support written by people other than family/friends which is why you would want to establish some relationships with people who will be able to “vouch” for you.
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