Documentary Drug Abuse Mental Illness


Documentary Drug Abuse Mental Illness


Our Neighbors: Mueting strives to reduce drug abuse

Filed under: drug addiction articles

It's really not just information, it's hope that they can avoid” drug abuse and addiction. Lorelle Mueting is drug prevention ….. You're entitled to view 40 free articles every 30 days, and you currently have (%remaining%) remaining. Then, if you …
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Ministries help recent inmates, recovering drug addicts

Filed under: drug addiction articles

Pastor Jami Butts remembers struggling with alcohol and drug addiction on-and-off for nearly 23 years. “My second time in prison I was called to the ministry,” Butts said. “I wanted to help men going through what I was going through.” Butts said the …
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Battle against drug addiction focus of Upper Darby hearing

Filed under: drug addiction articles

Noting that it was Delaware County Medical Examiner Dr. Fredric N. Hellman who alerted county officials about an increasing heroin problem, Delaware County Executive Director Marianne Grace said there would be no sugar-coating the facts as the task …
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