What Should I Do if I Fail 3 Out of 4 Classes First Semester at Uw Milwaukee?
Question by : what should i do if i fail 3 out of 4 classes first semester at uw milwaukee?
I’m a freshman at uw Milwaukee and due to some family difficulties (dealing with an abusive father, controlling mother, and a rebellious brother who wanted me to do drugs.) I failed a lot the first month and a half of my semester. It was too hard to find a job and apparently my other family members changed their mind at the last minute of taking me in. They said it was a lot easier for me to stay there instead of going house to house and at the time things were ok. Less arguing and all that jazz but when things started to heat up… and they always do… I was stuck and it got to the point where I actually felt like I was about to get killed in that house. it was partly my fault too in a way, during all the stress free moments from fight after fight with my parents (who didn’t want me to go to a 4 year school in the first place), i just did whatever it took to put my mind on ease (listen to music for hours, hang out with friends and other family members) and in the end i didn’t have the time to study. I know that everyone has got there family issues but… I tried to be a normal college student and joined a business frat, and dealt with being a full time student to please my aunt since she helped me so much for motivating me for college when no one else would. after i figured out how bad i was doing I changed everything, i quite the fraternity and instead of trying to create plans to get away from my family, i decided to just focus on school and let whatever happens, happens. My grades did improve but it was too late in the game. I missed a lot of major stuff. So now its all based on the finals which I just took. I know I passed math but the other three (macro econ, American pop music, and intro to info systems) it will depend on my final. All I wanted was to have safety and security, just to focus more on school and less family drama so I could have the time and energy to try and piece myself together after 18 years of abuse. I gave up on my fraternity who were my only and best friends in college and It tore me apart that I left right when I was about to be initiated… it seems like everything is falling apart and its basically my fault in the beginning for not trying hard enough to deal with my situation. The dorms won’t accept me so I planned to use the loan I got to do off campus housing but it was so confusing and a lot of thought , energy, and searching had to be put in it. I had the money to leave and in the end I just wasted time. I don’t know if subconsciously I am too scared to make the jump or what but all I know is that I need to get my grades up if I hope to get out of my house. So I don’t know what will happen to my pell grant or loans if I went from full time to part time due to some F’s. Failing 3 out 4 classes my first semester… I just need to know my options. No one is telling me my options when I asked any advisor… all they said was to just don’t fail. I got the hang of college and if you look at my grades, I did improve a lot a month and a half ago, and I am not giving up on my education. I know I can earn straight A’s next semester but don’t know how I can fix my first semester up and still keep my aid? I know I can afford to retake them with the loans and grants I got this year. I don’t think they can take away anything for this year. It just looks like I’ll be stuck there for another year or so. I made it this far, what’s one more year I guess. So is there any hope for me to get on track and am I able to use the extra aid I got this year to retake the F’s so I can be eligible for next year’s aid? I am going to talk to an advisor tomorrow but I just wanted to get my options straight before I go in. I made some mistakes and I feel like I’ll be kicked out of college.
Best answer:
Answer by T
You need to talk with your Advisor. You should also talk with someone in the Office of Academic Support and the Financial Aid Office. These offices are there to help.
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Thanks to UnitedWay Milwaukee for sharing this. http://t.co/nJ7c8z0R – by TheParentingNet (Parenting Network)